Creating a cooperative in the real estate sector allows citizens to participate in the development of Brussels
The members
Bringing together expertise
Fair Ground Brussels is an initiative of various associations active in the Brussels housing sector.
By bringing together expertise, the aim is to offer a holistic solution to the housing crisis and to increase our impact in the areas concerned: the fight against homelessness, transitional urban planning, rental management, building renovation, real estate investment, etc. In addition to the associations, Fair Ground Brussels is directly supported by the city's residents, who bring their own expertise.
How it works
Participating in the development of Brussels
The members of the cooperative participate directly in the development of Fair Ground Brussels.
By investing in the cooperative, associations and citizens participate in the financing of real estate projects and in the reflection linked to the development of the cooperative. Access to housing and land management are issues that concern us all: creating a cooperative is a way of providing a collective solution.
Diversified sources of funding
To finance its projects, Fair Ground uses different types of tools.
On the one hand, diversifying the sources of funding increases the chances of realising a project as ambitious as this one. On the other hand, it is a question of limiting too great a dependence on a single source of financing.
Rents and sales
Cooperative shares
Citizen's bonds
Donations & subsidies
You would like to know more about us?
Here are a few useful documents :